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July 16, 2020
Innovations and Research in the Driver’s Seat

How do businesses stay relevant in today’s scenario? The competition is fierce the economy incredibly unpredictable and customers fickle. Innovations and research are the key elements for businesses to stay relevant. Consider B2B companies, the efforts of these companies are directed towards better innovation because they need to push hard to deliver better products and...

July 7, 2020
Telehealth is Here to Stay

Statisticians and healthcare trend experts around the world have been very clear about one thing during this pandemic. Telehealth and telemedicine technology is a trump card against this virus. The prediction is that the use of telehealth solutions will rise dramatically as COVID 19 continues to actively disrupt the practice of medicine and the functioning...

June 26, 2020
The New Normal for Businesses during the Pandemic

The pandemic has changed the lives of people across the globe, more so for businesses that have resorted to new methods of getting work done. The pandemic business plan has proven to be one that has restored some semblance of normalcy in the functioning of companies. It has driven various technological innovations in an assortment...

June 2, 2020
Remote working and Cyber attacks

As partners in your innovation, we are making some remote working benefits with exponential security measures available to protect you from cyber-attacks. Considering the threat COVID-19 poses, an increasing number of people are choosing some form or the other of working remotely. This has brought about an increase in the number of reports we see...

May 25, 2020
The Revolution of Healthcare Technology

The world is working through the pandemic together facing the obstacles with bravery and concern. It has made us realise one thing without a shred of doubt, which is that innovations in health information technology have been a saving grace in our efforts to slow the spread of the virus. Digitization of healthcare and the...

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