PoC stands for Proof of Concept and a documented confirmation of a successful product or service. From a Product Owner point of view, it is quite useful as it identifies technical and logical issues.  For a PoC, a stern methodology focusing on end results is critical to track. The success of a PoC concept is determined if it can satisfy questions raised by the success criteria. Regardless of business decision to move forward with the end result, a PoC will still be considered successful. In case of incomplete test cases or set out success criteria a PoC would be unsuccessful. PoC is established to prove the achievability of a solution or the viability of a side of a solution. Typically a POC is attempting to answer questions like:

  • Will the product as expected and presented?
  • Does this technology meet the company’s requirements?
  • Will the workforce be able to maintain their productivity with the new concept of doing things?

Our Approach of building Full Size PoC Services

Our team of experts is always looking forward to providing value-added services and innovative solutions to clients with advantages in time, quality and cost. We work with the below mentioned approaches

  • Division-level PoC– For time-framed solutions, ITConnectUS can build a PoC for a department/division of the client. The department might find a solution to the critical business issues suiting to the client’s needs.
  • Enterprise-wide PoC– The full – size solution is provided which can take care of the processes of the enterprises.
  • Suite-specific PoC– Oracle E-Business Suite combines various modules to provide a collaborated solution. The different modules can be categorized like financials, distribution, HRMS, CRM, SCM, and others. It is a good offering providing a complete solution to an enterprise.
  • Module-specific PoC– A PoC can also be built for an individual module as required to suit the client’s requirements

Our PoC services include:

The proof-of-concept plays a significant role in the cloud migration for organizations entering the world of clouds, especially for the first time. We mitigate this risk by applying proven methodologies by opting for the best technology solutions in the cloud architecture and product integration domain.

Our Cloud PoC model provides a tested where cloud applications can be efficiently tested and evaluated. This allows you to gain experience, test ideas, and deepen your understanding of cloud computing. Our PoC services are helpful in producing technological and business needs. At ITConnectUS, we walk you through the process of selecting and implementing a cloud proof-of-concept that includes:

  • PoC objective defining
  • PoC detailed planning
  • Success criteria of PoC
  • Execution of PoC
  • Cloud Go live

Steps to Follow For a Successful PoC

 At ITConnectUS, we deliver best PoC solutions which ensure success in business by developing sound infrastructure.

The process adopted by us carries two basic components – A criterion and a test case. They both are either technically straightforward to inspire a case or, could be a bit tricky needing validation and discussion.

After defining criteria and associated test cases, the planning for a POC solution starts. Usually, a testing environment is set up for conducting PoC in order to mitigate any risks to the production environment. Different practices are carried out in a test environment to achieve the set goals keeping the key questions in mind. The main challenge is to get the established outcome in a timely manner with min efforts and max effectiveness. The focus is very important at this stage as losing it could result in out of control deployment struggle.

Once the solution is decided, the evaluation of the solution against the test case is to be performed. Again, evaluation is performed in a test or virtualization environment, it involves test user accounts, IT staff, or actual end-users. The net result consists of data mentioned pass / fail for the test cases an iterative testing process begins with some users willing to participate in something new or just being patient until results are out.

Finally, a report is generated for decision-makers to evaluate the results coupled with implications for the future solution and make a decision to move forward. Only business can decide if they would like to implement the PoC solutions.

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