TechnologyCloud Computing and its impact on Data Management

July 11, 2019by admin0

Ever since the digital storage age has started, data management is a continuous challenge that organizations are facing. The sheer volume of data is rapidly increasing.

One of the major issues regarding data storage is that the data is distributed over the networks and available in a fragmented way. The ownership of the data is mutually owned by different organizations.

The organizations don’t rely on centralized storage. They like to maintain their own servers for the storage of their data and applications containing bulk data.  Master data management is one of the ways opted by some years back but that is not a viable solution.

In the due course of time, cloud computing came into existence which is time and cost-saving solution. The companies can rely on cloud computing for data storage by saving the cost of maintaining their own data management system.

According to the internet’s latest resources, almost 95% of the data is stored in the cloud now and companies are applying SaaS (Software-as-a-service) practice sin storing and manipulating their data. However, the critical data is still stored on the local premises, mobile apps and data centers.

 Here in this post, we are discussing the requirements of the cloud computing environment and the preparation required for data migration using cloud storage.

The Essentials for Data Management

Data management is the process to plan, specify, enable, create, acquire, maintain, use, archive, retrieve, control, and purge data. In all the data operations, one needs to understand as a database manager and organization that it is a must to prepare the data to increase visibility and outsourcing. For doing so, the place where the data is stored and the format in which it is stored is crucial. In other words, we mean to say that data storage does not depend on the personal decision as the data needs to be shared for various purposes and most of the time, storing it a commonplace is useful.

For this purpose, focus only on three parameters of data;

  • Protection
  • Governance
  • Intelligence

Data protection spans storage to cybersecurity and includes any activity that ensures your data is available. By using cloud services, we can not only access the data quickly but we also can integrate data with other data to be accessible. The archival data can also be used for the same purpose. It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with workers who have poor data-hygiene habits or earthquakes, having access to pristine data is critical to success. Most of the IT Data Service providers were earlier striving to have an alternative plan that can provide backup. Cloud storage of data has made it possible with the extendability to make the data independent of the device and storage location.

For the most part, data governance is about making corporate data-handling more efficient and ensuring that your organization meets a myriad of regulatory, legal, and compliance requirements. In particular, eDiscovery is a critically important issue. The time, cost and the format are the three major issues in retrieving data from the common resources. The organizations are even more cautious when they are retrieving the data for the grievance(legal and finance) purpose.

The strict and specific requirements are to be followed. Sometimes companies opt for outsourcing such tasks to the IT companies.,

Data intelligence is a huge, emerging discipline that leverages analytics and machine learning to transform information into value. Technically, this means getting more data about the data, which is referred to as metadata. The potential here is incalculable — it enables predictive early assessment, data forensics, and advanced information-lifecycle management. However, there is one constant: data has to be clean and uncorrupted.

Challenges Brought on by the Cloud

The inability of SaaS to manage all types of data has added quite a few layers of complexity to data management. Nearly half the respondents indicated that their IT environment is more complex than it was two years ago.

The data is in the distributed form and it’s difficult to collate data to fully optimize it for the cloud and to migrate it to the cloud. To add the data to the cloud in an editing mode, SaaS services are a must. The IaaS/PaaS workloads, and capabilities such as VMware Cloud (VMC) that allow data to be picked from the various locations.

An IT group is still responsible for managing all this data — but how can they maintain control and resiliency when things have spread across everywhere? The entire data-protection environment has gotten infinitely more complex. And ironically, the ease of using SaaS has made the IT job much more complicated. Increasingly, business silos take it upon themselves to manage their data (or some of their data) independently. For example, sales teams may assume that their Salesforce records are backed up simply because those records are in the cloud. Because of the limitation of the SaaS, Salesforce formulates its own ways to represent data in the required format.

The sheer variety of local (data centers, branch offices, and endpoints) and cloud (IaaS, cloud apps, and PaaS) data sources have made legacy data management solutions a logistical mess of unscalable and ineffective data silos. And there are even more data sources to monitor for compliance and to search for eDiscovery. As previously mentioned, nearly half of survey respondents said greater data volume was driving increased IT complexity.

Data Management-as-a-Service (DMaaS) and Cloud Platform

The public cloud can sometimes complicate data management. So the organizations are now opting for the native-cloud application to solve the issues.

The native Cloud Platform provides data protection, governance, and intelligence under a single control plane and data fabric offering a simple and holistic approach. It helps in managing data across endpoints, infrastructure, and cloud apps. By centralizing visibility and control over enterprise-wide data, the Druva platform dramatically reduces data risks and the costs of data protection. The offering includes:

  • A single platform that integrates protection and management for endpoints and server and cloud data — all delivered as a service
  • Data protection comprising of the backup plan, availability, disaster recovery, and workload mobility to ensure the accessibility of data in case of the crisis.
  • Data governance services embrace archiving, compliance, eDiscovery enablement, data sovereignty control.
  • Data intelligence opens the way for the early assessment, data forensics, and information lifecycle management that will help your organization can stay ahead of business data risks
  • Individually storing the data to run the application is not a sensible step as data sharing is the prime activity. In a way, central storage such as cloud storage has become mandatory to participate in activities such as social media.

Whether we agree to migrate our personal data to the cloud or not, one thing i9s sure that in the coming times, the native Cloud Platform will be the foremost platform used by organizations. The standards like HIPAA, SOC-2, and FedRAMP will be commonly adopted for cloud data storage.


There is a simplified and scalable approach to managing your company’s most critical data. The native-cloud capabilities are part of the largest technology which will provide unlimited data storage in the future. However, the companies providing the data storage and management will have to improve in providing the services and ensuring the security of data. Cloud computing is even more critical technology which requires the attention of the organization to a greater extent.

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